• 81 reviews
Meet Transcript
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Meet Transcript
Meet Transcript
Meet Transcript
Meet Transcript

Unveiling the Power of Meet Transcript: A Chrome Extension That Transforms Virtual Communication

For digital professionals and remote workers, online communication and collaboration have become the lifeblood of work efficiency. One tool that embodies this new working reality is a Chrome extension named Meet Transcript.

A Unique Approach to Online Communication and Collaboration

Meet Transcript has joined the ranks of top-rated Chrome extensions , boasting a 4.27 out of 5 rating, thanks to its inventive approach to enhancing video chats and online meetings. With its unique blend of features, including automatic saving of live meeting captions and chat messages, it has revolutionized online video collaboration.

Positive User Reviews and Feedback

Many users have shared their positive experiences with Meet Transcript. User Adam Kircher raved about its simplicity and effectiveness, noting how the extension creates Google Docs in real-time, providing a more efficient method of note collaboration. Its ability to name the documents after the meeting's title in the calendar was also highly praised, simplifying the search process for specific transcripts.

Why Meet Transcript Shines Despite Some Challenges

Despite some challenges, like some users experiencing issues with the document formatting and login errors, the overall consensus on this Chrome extension remains overwhelmingly positive. The convenience it brings to video chats and online meeting collaborations is undeniable, and it's clear that when functioning correctly, Meet Transcript is a powerful tool for online video communication.

Outstanding Features of Meet Transcript

Meet Transcript's features extend far beyond just transcribing. With options to disable transcribing for certain meetings or parts of meetings, take screenshots, and hide captions from the screen, it offers a comprehensive package for enhanced online communication. The extension also takes privacy seriously, implementing no tracking, telemetry, or analytics and performing recordings locally on the user's machine, which are then sent directly to the user's Google Drive.


In our digital age, tools like Meet Transcript, which simplify and enhance online video communications, are invaluable. Despite some technical issues, its features and high user ratings speak volumes about its effectiveness and potential. Harness the power of this Chrome extension today and transform your virtual communication and collaboration experiences.

Automatically saves live meeting captions.

Allows chat message saving with open sidebar.

Gives option to disable transcription during meetings.

Allows screenshot captures during meetings.

Option to hide captions on screen available.

Transcripts come with meeting name, timestamps, speakers.

Requests all URL permissions for screenshots.

Requires access to user's Google Drive for storage.

Recording is local, requiring direct upload to Google Drive.

No implemented tracking, telemetry, or analytics.

81 reviews
10 Reviews For This Extension
Marcos Bueno

It was nice when it worked


sketchy.. no reviews. asks access to google drive

Jeri Pautler

It worked really well for a while and then stopped. All the transcript is written in a big blob of text now with no indication of who was saying what. Basically useless now...

Shayan Akbar

Its not working anymore!! Basically the same error with the other latest reviews...

B. Eric Oberheim

Same as all the other reviews; this worked great until all of a sudden it didn't. I now find myself skimming through a block of text, trying to find a term I missed that *hopefully* was transcribed correctly. Has the developer abandoned this extension? It's been months since it worked correctly.

Sebastian Montaño Rodriguez

I'm having the same issues as others have mentioned, where the document is now just one continuing paragraph with no breaks, timestamps, or speaker notation. I tried removing the extension, clearing my cache, and reinstalling, but to no avail.

Tim Hosfeldt

I have used this extension at work and tried to add it at home. I get the follow error when I try to grant access to my Google Drive: Access blocked: Meet Transcript’s request is invalid You can’t sign in because Meet Transcript sent an invalid request. You can try again later, or contact the developer about this issue. Learn more about this error If you are a developer of Meet Transcript, see error details. Error 400: invalid_request

Miguel Rodriguez

I was super happy with it, initially I gave it 5 stars, but since mid March it stopped working. It captures only the name of the first person in the meeting, and after that it just saves a huge block of text of everything that was said, without identifying who or breaking paragraphs. Also the camera icon to capture screenshots, is no longer there. I reported the issue couple of times, but no answer.

Michał Matyas

Used to be amazing but unfortunately stopped working. I can't log in to Google as it returns 400 error. I really miss this extension but it seems to be no longer maintained :(


Dear other frustrated users, I was a big user of meet transcript before it stopped working a few weeks ago. I really liked the product and was using it in every meeting. When it stopped working I tried to reach out to thanesh, via email, even calling his current company to ask for his current details. Unfortunately, to no avail. If you read this message, this is how you can fix it: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/resources/oob-migration Shouldn’t take more than 2 hrs. Meanwhile, we built an alternative, it also records the transcript and audio. It’s still a bit buggy, but you can try it here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/record-summarize-your-mee/mclnbcicnofcigjhhilajljjpgepbijp

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